Black Mustard Seed

Black Mustard Seed

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Black Mustard Seed sold by the ounce. Spiritual, health, and cooking uses. Used to balance Root, Solar Plexus, and Third Eye Chakra. The Black Mustard Seed is sacred to the Goddesses Ma'at, Hecate, and Kali. Ma'at (Egyptian) the goddess of truth, cosmic balance, justice, and order. Hecate (Greek) goddess of magic, necromancy, and spells. Kali (Hindu) goddess of time, creation, and death. Kali represents both good and evil as well as motherly love. Energies of the black mustard seed are serendipity, movement, forward motion, progress, and favor. The Black Mustard Seed has Capricorn and Aries association. The Black Mustard Seed relates to water and flow keeping the flow of life and aiding in money flow. It aids in energy to nurture yourself and others. This seed is also used in divination and meditation. In Hoodoo practices it is used to rid negativity, confound lawful situations, and defeat negativity from foes. Use in bath for spiritual cleanse. Sprinkle around property for protection against spiritual attacks. Stand steadfast, grow in faith, trusting your own intuition.