Alum offered by the ounce, protects against evil eye and brings in prosperity. Alum induces a feeling of happiness and flows positive energy into your home or workplace. Alum may balance energy to bring harmony within and to your atmospheres. It helps with emotional balance, protection from negative energy, and gaining wisdom and clarity. Carry in an amulet to protect enemies that wish to cause chaos and misunderstandings that cause blockages in prosperity. Take with you when traveling to protect against fatal accidents and against in other travelers on your trip with evil intention. May help assist a lady in finding a mate and a male in finding stability in career. Use as an underarm and/or foot deodorant to neutralize odors, use for aftershave to smooth skin, for insect bites and cuts. Purifies drinking water. Use when pickling or canning to keep veggies crisp. Use to reduce power of flames.